Therapy for Anxiety in Huntersville
And virtually across North Carolina
Let go of the idea that you need to have it all figured out.
Constant anxiety can be exhausting.
Sometimes you have so much on your to-do list that you’re overwhelmed and don’t even know where to start. Living in a perpetual state of anxiety may have become the norm for you, but therapy can give you the tools to change that by building upon your strengths.
Does it feel like anxiety is controlling your life?
Maybe you’ve been noticing…
Your heart is racing (even when you’re trying to be still)
You feel overwhelmed when things feel out of your control
You have trouble falling asleep (or you’re constantly waking up) and finding it impossible to quiet your mind
You feel a sense of unease, even if you’re not having any anxious thoughts
You set high expectations for yourself and feel disappointed when you can’t meet them
You’re stuck on what to focus on first because everything seems important
You’re hyper-aware of your mistakes and fearing that others view you as a failure
Anxiety can often feel all-encompassing: it tends to be something you feel mentally and physically. It can be difficult to focus on what’s happening in the moment when your hands are shaking and your mind is moving a million miles a minute. By taking a mind-body approach, we’ll explore both the mental and physical aspects of your anxiety and work on grounding skills to improve your overall wellbeing. When you feel frazzled and overstimulated, everything can feel like “too much.” Part of our work together will focus on slowing down and focusing on the here and now. Other parts will emphasize the bigger picture and reframing maladaptive thoughts and behaviors. Our work together will be collaborative because I believe each person is an expert in their own lives. I won’t tell you what to do but rather, I will walk alongside you to find the answer.
What we will work on in therapy
Describing and understanding your emotions
Identifying your triggers
Learning and implementing healthy coping skills
Talking through current stressors and finding viable solutions
Figuring out what works and what doesn’t
Pinpointing the root of anxiety
Maybe anxiety has always been present in your life but lately it feels unmanageable. Therapy can be a safe space to unpack overwhelming emotions and build a toolbox of coping skills that actually work for you.
FAQs about therapy for anxiety
We’ll start by looking at your history of anxiety as well as current symptoms. Then we’ll work to identify your thoughts and find healthier ways of coping.
This can vary by person. I recommend starting off with one session a week and we’ll assess your symptoms periodically.
This is not a requirement but based on your individual symptoms, medication can be a helpful tool combined with therapy.